Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ministry in Korea

Yesterday I returned from a ten-day ministry trip to South Korea. Sponsored by CRM Korea, I presented three HIGH M-PACT Revitalization Training Conferences in the cities of Seoul, Daejeon and Busan. It was very humbling to see the commitment level of the Korean pastors and leaders, and the stunning commitment to prayer that is expressed throughout church membership. There is much that we in the American church could learn from Korean Christians.
Though there are many huge churches in the small country of South Korea, it's interesting to note that the majority of Korean churches appear to be in stages of plateau and decline. Explosive growth starting in the mid-50s seems to have peaked, and churches that once flourished with conversion growth now find themselves inwardly focused, heavily influenced by church traditions, and stuggling to grow. Sound familiar?!
As I frequently say I wish that no churches anywhere needed my ministry of revitalization. It would be wonderful if all churches everywhere were thriving. But since there is I need, I look forward to working side by side with Korean leaders in the future and pray for God's blessing on the revitalizing Korean church.

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