Monday, June 29, 2009

New Demographics Resource

I have recently learned of a website that provides significant demographic information free. The site is The more you can know about the community you are trying to reach the better. For years I have recommended, still a great provider that is focused on helping churches. Check out both of these resources for demographics.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cool Cup or Jesus!

It's been a while since my last posting (sounds like going to confession!). But I'm determined to get into a regular groove of posting ideas, comments, events, discoveries and who knows what else. So . . . stay tuned.

There is an area of concern that I continue to think and pray through. That area is evangelism. No surprise there, but there is a new twist, at least in my ministry. As a ministry trainer, coach and consultant, I constantly prod church leaders toward outreach. The leading cause of decline in the church is an ever-growing inward focus. The solution is for the church to turn outward in an ever-growing outreach focus. The good news is that many of the churches I serve are doing just that, with the rate of outreach increasing dramatically. However, there has been no corresonding increase in evangelism.

Question: At what point does increased outreach manifest as increased evangelism? How do church leaders make this happen? What are the keys?

Hint: Though a cool cup of water in the name of Jesus has its benefits, it's a poor substitute for Jesus himself.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Korea Itinerary & Highlights

Ministry in Korea – February 7-18, 2009

I’m back from Korea and thought I would share the ministry itinerary:

Sat. – Feb. 7: Depart from Richmond, VA
Sun. – Feb. 8: Arrive at Incheon International Airport (outside of Seoul)
Mon. – Feb. 9: Adjustment Day
Tue. – Feb. 10: Day 1: HIGH M-PACT Revitalization Training – Sarang Church, Seoul
Wed. – Feb. 11: Day 2: HIGH M-PACT Revitalization Training – Sarang Church, Seoul
Thu. – Feb. 12: Day 1: HIGH M-PACT Revitalization Training – Heavenly Garden Church,
Fri. – Feb. 13: Day 2: HIGH M-PACT Revitalization Training – Heavenly Garden Church,
Sat. – Feb. 14: Interview on Far East Broadcasting Company Radio
Sun. – Feb. 15: Leadership Lecture – SooYoungRo Church, Busan (7000+ attending)
Mon. – Feb. 16: Day 1: HIGH M-PACT Revitalization Training – SooYoungRo Church, Busan
Tue. – Feb. 17: Day 2: HIGH M-PACT Revitalization Training – SooYoungRo Church, Busan
Wed. – Feb. 18: Return to Richmond, VA

Great People
High Levels of Commitment
Fascinating Culture
8 Days of Speaking through a Translator
Working with Rev. Tong Park (CRM Korea & CRC Director of Korean Ministries)
Working with the Board of CRM Korea
My wife Sharon’s Value as Social Liaison
Leading Korean Pastors/Leaders in Worship from the Piano
Receiving a Sung Blessing from 200 Korean Pastors/Leaders in Busan
Receiving So Many Gifts an Extra Suitcase Had to be Purchased
First Steps in Korea Ministry with More Likely
Serving God & His People in Another Country & Culture

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ministry in Korea

Yesterday I returned from a ten-day ministry trip to South Korea. Sponsored by CRM Korea, I presented three HIGH M-PACT Revitalization Training Conferences in the cities of Seoul, Daejeon and Busan. It was very humbling to see the commitment level of the Korean pastors and leaders, and the stunning commitment to prayer that is expressed throughout church membership. There is much that we in the American church could learn from Korean Christians.
Though there are many huge churches in the small country of South Korea, it's interesting to note that the majority of Korean churches appear to be in stages of plateau and decline. Explosive growth starting in the mid-50s seems to have peaked, and churches that once flourished with conversion growth now find themselves inwardly focused, heavily influenced by church traditions, and stuggling to grow. Sound familiar?!
As I frequently say I wish that no churches anywhere needed my ministry of revitalization. It would be wonderful if all churches everywhere were thriving. But since there is I need, I look forward to working side by side with Korean leaders in the future and pray for God's blessing on the revitalizing Korean church.